Privacy Policy

Jobzhub Privacy Policy This Privacy Policy explains how jobzhub collects information about you, a person downloading our Applications, or otherwise accessing or using the Services (“User,” or “you”), and how jobzhub stores, uses and discloses collected information. We value user privacy and transparency. By accessing or using our application, you consent to the data collection, use, disclosure and storage policies and practices described in this Privacy Policy. Information We Collect Through our Services We may collect the following types of information through our Services (“Collected Data”): information that is directly provided to us, such as personal information you provide when you register for the Services, information that is automatically collected from you, such as information collected from your browser or device and information about your interests. 1. Information You Provide Us Collected Data may include personal information like your name, email address if you choose to create an account with jobzhub. This information varies depending on the service and your settings there but may include your name, email address, profile information and bio (e.g., age, gender ), your contacts on that service, your posts and other content that you have made available there. To personalize your experience, to give us access to and let us analyze your profile information, posts and content you have made available there, and suggest new interests for your jobzhub account. 2. Information That is Automatically Collected We and our partners, who may include our affiliates, third-party service providers, advertisers, advertising networks and platforms, agencies, and distribution or other partners, may use automated means to collect various types of information about you, your computer or other device used to access our Services. This information does not on its own permit direct association with any specific individual and may include information received from your web browser, operating system, or device, including information about the browser type, version and settings, browser language preference, information about the operating system, the IP address, cookie information, the referring web page, the name of the Internet service provider or mobile carrier, device information (including the type of device, unique device identifier (UDID) and Advertising IDs), screen size and resolution, date and time of your request, name of the domain from which you accessed the Internet, and other similar information. 3. Information About Your Interests To make inferences about your interests and content preferences we may collect information about how you view and interact with content through our Services. When you visit and navigate the Services, we collect information about your reading patterns, including, but not limited to, the headlines that you see and/or click on, how long you spend on each story, what percentage of the page is visible to you, as well as actions you take on the story page, including liking/disliking the story and sharing it via email or social networks (we don’t collect any information about recipients of the shared story). Cookies A cookie is a small amount of data, which often includes a unique identifier that is sent to your browser and stored on your hard drive. Similar technologies are also used within emails to understand whether the email has been read or if any links have been clicked. On our Website, we may use a variety of commonly-used technologies such as cookies, HTML5 local storage, pixel tags, web beacons, and/or other similar technologies (collectively “Cookies”) to help us create your session, identify you across multiple usage sessions, keep you logged in, and help us remember certain information about how you interact with our Services. In our Application, we use the device/advertising ID provided by the operating system and local storage capability to identify you and collect information about you. We treat information collected by Cookies and other similar technologies as non-personally identifiable information, as this information does not on its own permit direct association with any specific individual. We may also use third-party services to help us provide and improve our Services. Third- party service providers and publishers may collect information sent by your device as part of a web page request, such as cookies or IP address. Third-party advertising partners may share information with us, like a browser cookie ID, URLs visited, or mobile device ID to help us measure and tailor promoted content. Third parties cannot collect any personally identifiable information from our Services unless you provide it to them directly. Please note that this privacy policy doesn’t cover the practices of third-party services. By visiting or using the Services, whether as a registered user or otherwise, you acknowledge and agree that you are giving us consent to track your activities and your use of the Services through the technologies described above, as well as similar technologies developed in the future. Opt-out If you wish to prevent certain or all cookies from being sent to your hard drive or device when you visit our Website, or to clear existing cookies from your browser’s or device’s cache, you may be able to disable them in your browser’s or device’s preferences, although your browser or device might then be unable to accommodate certain functionalities of the Services, including news personalization. Do Not Track We do not track users over time and across third-party websites to provide targeted advertising and therefore do not respond to Do Not Track (DNT) signals. However, some third-party sites do keep track of your browsing activities when they serve you content, which enables them to tailor the content they present to you. How We Use the Information We use your personally identifiable information to contact you through email, to provide the Services to you, and to identify your account to you in the Services (e.g. show you your profile picture and name). We use your non-personally identifiable information to help us create, develop, operate, deliver, personalize, and improve our Services, content and advertising, for loss prevention and anti-fraud purposes, for internal reporting and marketing purposes, as well as to understand and analyze trends, conduct research and test new features, monitor aggregate usage by Users and perform aggregate analysis, gather demographic information about our user base as a whole, and share data with publishers, advertisers and other third parties. We may retain your personally identifiable information for as long as necessary to provide the Services to you, provide services to our business partners, comply with our legal obligations, resolve disputes, prevent fraud, and enforce our agreements, or as long as we have a legitimate business need. Information Sharing We will share your personally identifiable information with third parties only in the ways that are described in this Privacy Policy, in a responsible and secure fashion. We require all third parties to whom we transfer personally identifiable information to protect and store this information with commercially acceptable precautions similar to those described in our Privacy Policy. If you do not consent to the collection, use or sharing of your personally identifiable information as described in this Privacy Policy, please do not provide that information. By providing your personally identifiable information, you agree to the collection, use and sharing practices described in this Privacy Policy. jobzhub only shares your personally identifiable information with third parties in the following scenarios: You have explicitly given us consent to share your personally identifiable information with third parties. Your personally identifiable information is provided to our subsidiaries or affiliated companies. Your personally identifiable information is provided to our trusted vendors or service providers in order to perform a service for jobzhub. These companies are authorized to use data shared with them only as necessary to provide these services to us. When it is reasonably necessary to disclose specific information as required by law, regulations, legal process or governmental request. When jobzhub in good faith believes that disclosing your personally identifiable information to third parties is reasonably necessary to investigate, prevent, or take action (in our sole discretion) regarding potentially illegal activities, fraud, security or technical issues, or prevent harm to the rights, property, or safety of jobzhub, its Users, or the public as required or permitted by law. We may also disclose your personally identifiable information if we determine that disclosure is reasonably necessary to enforce our Terms of Use or Privacy Policy, including investigation of potential violations of our Terms of Use or Privacy Policy, or protect our operations or users. We may sell or transfer your personally identifiable information to a successor entity in connection with a corporate merger, acquisition, reorganization or sale of assets, consolidation, bankruptcy, or other corporate change. We may sell or transfer your personally identifiable information to a successor entity in connection with a corporate merger, acquisition, reorganization or sale of assets, consolidation, bankruptcy, or other corporate change. Access to Personal Information and Data Deletion You can ensure that your contact information and preferences are accurate, complete, and up to date by logging into your account. If you would like to delete your account, you can do so on the Website in Settings menu. If you delete your account, your user profile will no longer be visible on our Services, though we may still keep some log information in non- personally identifiable form. Security jobzhub uses generally accepted industry security standards to protect Users’ personal information, including using appropriate cryptographic procedures, hashing password data and encrypting sensitive data during transmission. Service providers and third parties that information is shared with are screened to be sure they also take commercially acceptable precautions to protect your data. We have put in place physical, electronic and managerial procedures designed to help prevent unauthorized access, to maintain data security, and to use Collected Data correctly. However, no Internet transmission is ever fully secure or error free. You should take special care in deciding what information you share with us. Third-Party Links and Websites Our Services may contain links to or redirect Users to third-party websites, applications and services, including those of our business partners. These websites may use cookies and/or other data collection tools. jobzhub encourages everyone to read the posted privacy policies whenever interacting with any third-party website or service and learn about their privacy practices. jobzhub is not responsible for the privacy practices or the content of third-party websites or services. International Transmission Due to the distributed nature of our technology, some or all of your data may be stored outside of your state or country. This is done to make sure that your data is optimally accessible from any location and to optimize system architecture. Our Services are operated in the US, in accordance with US law. If you are located outside of the US, you use our Services at your own risk and acknowledge that your information may be transferred internationally. By using our Services, you consent to your information being collected, processed and transferred as set forth in this Privacy Policy. Our Policy towards Children Our Services are not directed to individuals under 16. We do not knowingly collect personal information from children under 16. If we become aware that a child under 16, or equivalent minimum age depending on the jurisdiction, has provided us with personal information, we take steps to remove such information. If you become aware that your child has provided us with personal information without your consent, please contact us at . Changes to Our Privacy Policy We may update our Privacy Policy from time to time. The most current version of the Privacy Policy will govern our use of your information and will always be on our Website. If we make any material changes, we will notify you by posting a notice on our Website about the update to the Privacy Policy, and the updated Privacy Policy will indicate the date of the latest revision. You agree to accept any changes or revisions to this Privacy Policy by continuing to use our Services. We encourage you to periodically review this page to stay aware of any changes to this Privacy Policy. Questions and Feedback We are committed to maintaining your privacy and providing our Services in a useful and secure manner. If you have any questions or concerns about our Privacy Policy or any other matter, please contact us at . We welcome your feedback. If you provide feedback to us, it will be treated as non-confidential and non-proprietary, and you acknowledge and agree that we may use and disclose such feedback for any purpose.